Yes, it is best for your pet to continue to eat the diet that they are used to. There is both a fridge and freezer in the kennel if your dog has food that requires it.
Yes, familiar items from home will make your pet more comfortable. Please do not bring anything valuable as pets are more likely to chew/destroy beds, etc. when they are in a kennel than they will at home. Also please do not bring any toys or treats that your dog/cat has never had at home, the kennel is not the place to try out a new food or toy. Beds are welcome as long as they will fit in the runs, as are crates for smaller dogs if they will be more comfortable having their crate to sleep in.
Walks are available for an additional fee. Most dogs are happy without walks, as they can go out whenever they wish, but I'm happy to walk your dog if you would like me to. We take a short wander around the woods/lawn near the kennel.
Yes, for an additional fee, bring the medication and/or supplements your pet takes and I will make sure they get them on their regular schedule.
Available for Tours, Drop offs and Pick ups by appointment only 7 days a week. Please call or text to set up an appointment.
I accept cash or check, payable when you pick up your pet. I can also accept PayPal or Venmo as long as you choose the pay as a friend/famil option.
You may choose to make a deposit if you wish, but that is not required.
Proof IS REQUIRED that the vaccines were administered by a veterinarian or at a veterinary clinic.